Saturday 4 October 2014

A Word About This Trip: Sicily - Its All About the People

Sicily - Its All About the People

When you read our trip blog I hope we are able to convey the magic of many of the people we have had the joy to meet. So many special people who engaged with us not just as  their customers, but also from their heartful wish that we enjoy their country. In Catania Rita the amazing concerige took time to explain our routes, book our private tour and even acted as a translator for us with the local doctor who treated Joe's wounded toe. Fabrizio from Enjoy Sicily was our tour guide for Mount Etna and Taormina had deep knowledge of the area's history and geology. Mimmo our cooking class chef in Sant Ambrogio was a marvel. His personal story, knowledge of food combined with his passion and genuine warm personality made our time with him something we will talk about for years to come. Carmalina, the passionate force behind many of the tourism delights in Sant' Ambriogio who wants so much for people to succeed. Chiara the owner and hostess of the Fattoria Mose faciltated an international dinner filled with fun conversation and another Chiara - from the Planeta family helped us explore the flavours of their wines. 

And a special mention should be made for the lovely stranger we met at a grocery store who graciously went out of his way to take us the six kilometres to Planeta and then simply said, welcome to Sicily.  

There will certainly be many more special people that we will encounter and write about throughout this blog. This is just the beginning. 

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